Its been awhile since our last detox drink review so today were bringing you the newest detox drink to hit the market. Its called
Magnum Detox and it is by far one of the most powerful detox drinks available.
Magnum Detox drink

Magnum Detox drinks come in several different options. You can chose from the Magnum Detox 1 hour body cleanser in 32oz bottles available in 2 different flavors, or for smaller body types there is the original Magnum Detox drinks in 16oz bottle and available in 4 different flavors. Magnum Detox TM even went a step further and made a product called
Clean Start 7 day permanent cleanser, which strips the body clean permanently (or until your next bowl).
Countless hours of research went into these products and the drinks are (at least in my opinion) some of the tastiest detox drinks i've tried. For my test I decided to try the 32oz blueberry flavored drink. As per the instructions I shook well before use to mix in up and chugged it pretty quick. After my second trip to the restroom (he first trip was just to flush out my body) then we busted out the
test strips to see what could be detected in a daily user and sure enough it read clean! I weigh about 200 and I'm 6ft 2in tall so I was very pleased to see that this worked on the first try. Definitely a keeper!
The Magnum Detox tm Clean Start 7 day permanent cleanser has some nifty things to be said about it as well. For those of you that don't know, certain job preventing toxins take about a month to leave the system. This is a big issues for those that don't have to take a
pee test upon hiring or interview, as there could be a test hidden around the corner! If you even suspect that a test my be coming your way and you want to decrease the amount of time your away from your herbals, then this is the product for you. Simply use as directed and wait for those with
pee testing fetishes to come looking and awe them with your lack of anything at all!
By now your probably wondering where to get these detox drinks, but unfortunately they are not available everywhere yet. However, We recommend visiting our sponsors by
Click Here
or on the pictures to order some online!
Update! 3/28/2015 Our magnum detox drink review still maintains that magnum is the best option, I just used it to land an IT job! Also, some readers have emailed me regarding some negative reviews on amazon regarding the 32oz magnum drinks. I would like to point out that one should pay more attention to the "verified amazon purchase" reviews as those customers have actually used the product and low and behold tend to be more positive.